Terms and Conditions for IDN Users

1. IDN welcomes users to list their information about individuals and/or entities (such as businesses, NGOs, institutions, government agencies etc.).

2. All listings, once approved, will be displayed publicly. IDN retains sole discretion to allow, disallow and remove any and every listing found not in public interest, distasteful, offensive in any manner and may disrupt peace and harmony among people and communities.

3. Users may upload posts by them either as text and/or images. Each text message will be of 500 characters or less; currently, there is no limit on the number of text messages. Users may upload upto 5 images a day that will be displayed currently for 30 days, and automatically removed thereafter. Images being uploaded may be in JPG and PNG formats only, and the size of each image should not exceed 2 MB which will be automatically reduced and displayed on IDN in an appropriate size.

4. Users will have a display wall that can be scrolled to see latest to past listings of text and images as per point 3 above.

5. Users will be able to see on top of their screen - Friend Requests, Posts By Friends & Messages From Friends. Users can click on these tabs.

6. Users may accept or delete Friend Requests.

7. Users may read Posts By Friends, comment and/or react using emoticons and comments as well as reactions will be displayed by name.

8. Users may read and respond to Messages from Friends directly. Each message will be limited to 100 characters and only 10 such messages between each other will be allowed, before the first message is deleted to keep the total number of messages at 10 only.

9. Users may Search for friends in the IDN platform by Continent, Country, City and Profession.

10. Users must upload correct legal information about themselves including any entity listed which may be checked by IDN. Wrong and/or misleading information provided under any listing by any individual and/or entity could lead to legal action by IDN and/or statutory authorities of any country and/or a court of law. IDN respects the privacy of each listing individual and/or entity, however, IDN will be bound by law and may have to provide the listed information under a court order and/or constitutional statutory authority of a country.

11. Users must upload the following information as part of their profile for their listing on IDN that may be checked before the listing is approved. The mandatory information required for listing is - Gender, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Date of Birth, Continent, Country, City, Profession. An option is available to User to also provide information About themselves and Work history/information (brief history of their personal and/or professional experience). User information displayed on each listing wall will include Full Name, Country, City, Profession and About User. User can additionally select to display Phone, Email and Work.